4-2 to Celtics...sorry to say that CAVS is out. 94-85 in the 6th game...I feel for yah Cavs, but you cannot have LBJ on 9 TO's...even tho he had a triple n' double. But he was the main attractions for this game, that I say. So, where do you think he will play next game?
My friend Vici had a few cute pics on her blogfrom the Borås-Gothia game that we went to like 2 weeks ago. Not that we took any pictures of the game, just on ourselves lol. Vici have, btw, the cutest baby...as you can see on these pics.
The girls who went on the 45min road trip to Borås! ♥
After the gym I picked up Julis to go see Södertälje beat Hörsholm, and yes they did. And after that game I bought a sallad at ICA Kvantum, and when I got back to the gym, I noticed that tha freaking sallad was completely frozen!! The only thing that wasn't frozen was the chicken itself, so after the small pieces of chicken, I threw away the reast of it, yaaack! The Gothia played against Sundsvall and Gothia where down by 30pts when I left the game half time. Sorry Gothia, but you guys need to improve! At the game I also held Caylie...Vici and Kim's baby. She is adorable, so cute! Now I gotta take a shower, since I sat in the bball gym for like 4 hours in my sweaty cloths from working out. LOL!
That's what I should do since I was sweating my ass of at practice today. One hour with athletics before bball practice and BAM my freaking foot where hurting...again...but I managed to tape it and it got a little bit better, but not much.
Anyhow it doesn't look good, it was only the 4th practice =( ♥ M
I got bruises, sore hands, sore arms and legs...this is the result of the training this week. Until Tuesday next week I have to go out run at least 1 time. I need to get in shape since I've been on the lazy side this summer. U can say I took some summer holiday from ALL types of training. So, time for some changes!
Oh yes, I think I'm back. Did the forst bball practice today after 1 hour of athletics training. Ummmm, yes I'm tired as hell now. First bball practice since October 2008 and yes I was baaaaad, like really bad. My normally good hoops and jump shot, it was gone!!!! Damn I freakin' sucks. But good thing its' div2 and not the elite, did that last year in Holland and that's enough, cmon gettin' old here and the body is feelin' it! :D
I decided today @ work that I was going to the practice, I hesitated yesterday but today it was all clear for me. I was kind worried since I haven't worked out or anything the last 2 month, geeeez that's a freakin' long time I say. But starting from today I gotta get back to my "normal" life with working out, eating healthy and not staying up until 1am on a working day so I can be at work on time and not 1 hour late. So after practice I made this huge sallad...looks good huh?
Oh, I didn't eat it all...just some of it...lol.
Now it's So You Think You can Dance and I gotta get in the shower...the practice only ended 2 and a half hour ago...eeeew, I know I should go like right now, but sitting in the couch all alone is the sweetest thing. Love it! But I do miss Jules, she left today and it's boring without her. The weekend was awsome and I miss her to death.
God I can't make up my mid if I wanna hoop this year or not. I love the game but I'm not sure I love it more than I love travelling...First: I'm so out of shape, Second: I don't have my free weekends, Third: Do I wanna play div 2 or div 1? Now you're thinking this cannot be the right order, first thing must be Do I really wanna play? Well, that's kinda true...but...there are so many butts...lol. Anyways I have a loooot to think about. Any advices for me?
The press release on the 30.10.2008, Challenge Sports - Renes/Binnenland webpage:
It's kinda sad that I have to leave the team, I looked forward this season so much..but my proffessional career is more important that playin ball sinc eplaying ball will never give me the money I make on my ordinary work. I cannot run and chase an orange piece of leather all my life. Not in Holland at least, I'll find a team in Gothenburg :)
Myself, I could understand a little of the Dutch text, but most of it...naaaw...LOL
No practice today, only been out walking for 60 minutes...the only think I can do with my stupid foot. Tomorrow I'll be at the fysio again and hope that he can give me some good news, cause I'm sick and tired of this injury...boooo!
4 Jamailah Adams 5 Christa Onnink 6 Martina Bergman 7 Mirelle Lagendijk 8 Lisa van den Adel 9 Susanne van Hoogstraeten 10 Eline Kasius 11 Lindy Vermunt 12 Michele Visser 't Hooft 13 Sevda Alizadeh 14 Linda Appers 15 Priscilla van den Andel Coach Petra van Schaik-Weeda
But I guess in a couple of weeks we will have a new team picture...Challenegers =) ♥ M
Yesterday the board in Binnenland informed us that we have a new sponsor and have to move our team to Rotterdam. The board of the mens team Rotterdam Challengers http://www.rotterdam-challengers.nl/site/home.html wants to have a womens team in Rotterdam. And since Barendrecht is 20min from Rotterdam we will be the team. Yaaaay! Since the gym, Topsportcentrum in Rotterdam is very busy they will look into the possibilities that we will practice there and play our games there.
The first game we will play here are on December 6th. i can't wait. The gym is huge!!! See for yourself... We will at least have 1 practice in Topsportcentrum and the others in Barendrecht, just until they have figured this out and the fact that the season is already started. We will also be named Renes Binnenland Challengers, until next season, cause I guess they couldn't completely change our team name in the middle of the season....or at least now when the season is already started. Best of all, the Topsportcentrum is like 20min walking, 5 min by car and only 2 stops with the metro from my apartment.
Monday I told my coach that I will not play unless I have an insurance, today Wednesday, still not solved. The team wants me to pay 425 EUR from my own pocket for the special insurance I need since I'm not a Dutch citizen. But cmon, I'm NOT gonna pay money for playing. No way in hell. I love the game but if I don't get any insurance by Saturday, I will not play! It hurts in my heart and mind that I might not play this season after all. I worked fucking hard to get in that shape I'm in now and it would suck incredible much if I didn't play. What am I gonna do then? This whole situation is just wack, I hate it. I was in a really bad mood at practice today since I got the email from the board like 1 hour before the practice started. What am I supposed to think? They want me to ask my company to take a monthly fee from my pay check so I can pay the insurance myself? That pisses me off. Would any of the other players pay 425 EUR for an insurance if they had to and if they wanted to play? I don't think so. Damn it, I'm just so freaking angry and frustrated cause I'm risking not playing this season. @#@%%#^@&@&**^!%@$@