Smashed car

Yesterday I found out that my car was stuck between two other cars after a 4th car ran into the side of the car on my left side. So now, I'm stuck and gotta wait for the insurance company to get back to me...

Dangerous to leave Linné...

This sucks!

It's been a while

This will be my first entry in a long time, last real one was June 8. This summer been all crazy and I think things are starting to calm down now. Since I last wrote, I've been working twice as much as you normally should, been in Turkey and Germany and got no place of my own. Remember I sold my nice apartment at Linnégatan and don't get my new one until December. Awesome!

And here is a song I can listen to over and over again...

Takin' a break

As you might have noticed, no posts for a while...

My blog is takin' a break!

Who da't?

I miss these two...way too much!

♥ you guys!


I just signed up for Twitter, let's see how that works, lol

As close to broke you can get

I got 27,11 SEK (which is basically 3 bucks) left on my account and it's 13 days until pay day, yaaaay. Good thing I was home at the folks this weekend and got some food from mom. I feel like a home less person..except that I got a home, lol. But I only have myself to blame...trips (USA, France and Turkey), sun glasses, cloths, shoes and a camera. I did it again, but only live once and soon the tax money will come and I'll be back to normal =)

The new me

I haven't been to the hair salon in like 2 years...I think it was may 2008 when I was home from Holland for a few weeks so I thought it was time now, lol. Firts I though dye my hair and get a bang. I always wanted an afro, but I still wanna keep my long hair, so this is the result...a 10 cm cut and curls =)




What do you think?

(Photos taken by Sofia, Lan and myself)

Bad hair day

I need your help...

What shall I do with my hair?

Need a new hair style or new cut, but what?

5 minuter

Hej alla,

Så ett inlägg på svenska...

Kan ni ta er tid att ta en lite survey för min vän Yakup, det är några korta frågor om semester och så. Går jättesnabbt. Klicka på denna länk och hjälp honom att få 250 svar från oss svenskar.

Som ni kanske vet så har jag och min familj hus i Turkiet, så vad gör man inte för en vän som behöver lite svensk hjälp =)  Ska ni ner till Alayna i Augusti eller nåt, hör av er...för jag kommer eventuellt åka dit då.

Puss ♥ Kram

Happy Birthday dear blog

You are turning 2 years today, 21st of March.

I started this blog when I moved to Holland 2 years ago, and actually, today, it's exactly 2 years ago I made my first entry. And I guess there will be a few more entires =)

Being blind is expensive

Just ordered new contac lenses, and they cost 2400 SEK a year. Man, it's freaking expensive to being blind. And being so blind as I am, that's a handicap, meaning that I wouldn't be able to manage without glasses or contact lenses.

Contact lenses or a blind stick? hmmm....


Since my nails are growing like a m-f...and I got acrylic nails I need to have some nail oil so they don't look like they do now, lol. Today I bought a new brand, OPI and the tube Avoplex Cuticle Oil To Go is heaven to the nails, and they smell good too, lol.

Gotta love it ♥


Lite svenska idag då...

Jag har registrerat mig som Buzzador på och tänkte förklara för alla mina nära & kära hur det fungerar. Som Buzzador får man utan kostnad testa nya produkter och tjänster. Förra veckan fick jag hem ett paket med Dove duschcremer (typ 10st) som jag tänkte dela ut till mina tjejkompisar, så de kan lukta gott och bli rena & fina, hehe.

Hur länge det dröjer innan du kommer med i din första kampanj kan variera från någon vecka till månader beroende på hur väl du passar in i de kommande kampanjerna. Jag har fått lite andra kampanjerbjudande än det ovan, men har tackat nej till dem för har inte tyckt att de passat mig.

Iaf, när det finns möjlighet att komma med i en kampanj så får du besked om det via email.

Följ den här länken så det framgår att det är jag som har bjudit in dig (mitt användarnamn är Martiiiiiiinab, precis som min blogg =)>

Vem gillar inte gratis saker liksom?

Birthday off

I think that you should have a day off from work/school/whetever when it's your birthday...wouldn't that be great? ♥


I was starving, cooked come chicken breast, got too greedy and now I'm laying in the couch and can hardly move. Eating enough is not my thing, I always gotta eat too much. But you know, can't help lovin' food, lol. I should clean up some in the crib, put the dish in the dish washer, take a shower, unpack my bag, pack a new bag and then go to sleep...buuuut, I'll just chill here on the couch for a few more minutes , lol.

I Love Ralph Lauren

Have you seen the gear that Ralph Lauren designed for the US Olympic team? OMG, what a collection, I just love it! I just noticed the collection today, as I missed the opening ceremony when I was in Spain.

Look at this:

I want it all!

Happy Valentine's Day

To all my loved ones


ps. I'm back home...Home sweet home!

Car Service

Tomorrow I'm getting my car to the service shop, I need it to be fixed once and for all which I should have done the last time, but now I have to spend a couple of more 1000 kronor. That sucks! I wanna get a new car, a BMW 120, bronz metallic with the M-package...a beauty!

What do you think? ;)



All the girls ♥


Me and my fav kids ♥

(look at lil' F...she already know what to do, lol)

Just my girls

We love you

This just made my day

Julia & Julia, this is for you!

I'm sorry it's in SWE, but I just love the voice of this lady, lol

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