HDD Error
That's what my computer says...It's totally dead and I have no back up :( I'm so screwed, all work emails, all photos and stuff. But I might have some of the photos on my external HDD wish I copied 2 weeks ago. I'm just crossing my fingers that the IT guys can save some of my 4 year emailing conversation, for work and my photos...That's all I care about. Or, I would be really happy if they could restore the whole HDD. Let's hope so!
Other than that this have been a shitty day. The computer crap at work (did i say that ALL my work is infront of the computer), my stupid foot and some other stuff, which cannot be written in public. Worse day ina long time. Even they two guys at work said, Martina, maybe you should go home and sleep for a while and come back...They saw how angry I was at work...
Tomorrow I'm going to the fysio again, and I need to tell him to do something about my foot cause it's not getting any better at all. It's totally crap and I'm so frustrated just sitting on the side and making my balance exercises and stretching...ggrrrrrrrrr. Saturday will be the 2nd game I will miss, and I would guess another one or two weeks, since I can't even walk without pain. Hopefully it will be a little better after I get my new soles for my bball shoes. But I have to wait 2 weeks for them too...BoooOO!
You might notice that today is not one of my best days, only complaining and being grumpy...so I'll stop writing before I write something that I will regret :D
♥ M
Other than that this have been a shitty day. The computer crap at work (did i say that ALL my work is infront of the computer), my stupid foot and some other stuff, which cannot be written in public. Worse day ina long time. Even they two guys at work said, Martina, maybe you should go home and sleep for a while and come back...They saw how angry I was at work...
Tomorrow I'm going to the fysio again, and I need to tell him to do something about my foot cause it's not getting any better at all. It's totally crap and I'm so frustrated just sitting on the side and making my balance exercises and stretching...ggrrrrrrrrr. Saturday will be the 2nd game I will miss, and I would guess another one or two weeks, since I can't even walk without pain. Hopefully it will be a little better after I get my new soles for my bball shoes. But I have to wait 2 weeks for them too...BoooOO!
You might notice that today is not one of my best days, only complaining and being grumpy...so I'll stop writing before I write something that I will regret :D
♥ M

Postat av: Hanna M
Aww stackars liten Martina. Vad har du gjort med foten förresten?
Det blev inget med den där lägenheten heller, har inte hört något från henne men den va lite för dyr ändå. Tack för att du tänkte på mig :)
Hoppas datorskiten löser sig! Jävla jobbigt asså..
Puss o kram vännen. Saknar dig!