Smashed car
Yesterday I found out that my car was stuck between two other cars after a 4th car ran into the side of the car on my left side. So now, I'm stuck and gotta wait for the insurance company to get back to me...
Dangerous to leave Linné...
Dangerous to leave Linné...
This sucks!

Alors On Dance

I'm Ready For You

Good Friday

I hope you all are watching some World Championship bball on TV10 =)

Love Kills
Another song, which is stuck on my brain

Turkey with the girls
3 girls from Gburg and 3 girls from Stockholm, spent so many good days on vacation in Turkey =) Here are some proof of that. Most of the days we just chilled at the beach or at the ppol, then had these amazing dinners and met so many nice people. I kinda wish I could go back, miss the sun and the food.

Our beach

We stopped by the road and had some corn

Me and my bestest

One of the best things I've done, rafting!

Miss the gang so much

Out in Alanya

Last night with the Stockholm girls

KLAS Disco, chillest club ever

Bye for now! ♥

It's been a while
This will be my first entry in a long time, last real one was June 8. This summer been all crazy and I think things are starting to calm down now. Since I last wrote, I've been working twice as much as you normally should, been in Turkey and Germany and got no place of my own. Remember I sold my nice apartment at Linnégatan and don't get my new one until December. Awesome!
And here is a song I can listen to over and over again...
And here is a song I can listen to over and over again...

Takin' a break
As you might have noticed, no posts for a while...
My blog is takin' a break!

My apartment on Linnégatan was SOLD Sunday...40 hours after it was released on Internet, we signed the papers. I got an offer that I couldn't risk not taking. I'm very happy with the Sale and now I can relax and start focusing more on my new place. I selected the kitchen, the electronic stuff in the kitchen, color on the walls, tiles etc. Now on Thursday I will have the final meeting with Veidekke to confirm my additional selections. You know me, can't have the "standard" things in my new crib...gotta have THE design, lol.

Linnégatan 45 is for SALE
My apartment is for SALE...

You're interested or know anyone who is looking for a Studio apartment?
Check out the site and call my real estate broker Isak George
PS. Already got a VIP pre-view tomorrow

You're interested or know anyone who is looking for a Studio apartment?
Check out the site and call my real estate broker Isak George
PS. Already got a VIP pre-view tomorrow

Who da't?
I miss these two...way too much!
♥ you guys!

Gimme Gimme Gimme
Feel the beat...shake it!

What a mess!!!
I didn't know my hall was this big until we removed my 4 closets...
I gotta empty them, and put all stuff in the rest of the apartment...
Getting started...
And now it looks so much better than a week ago...
Tomorrow they will be finished...!

2 crazy weeks
I haven't showed you my new apartment. Here it's a new production right down town G'burg next to the Avenue. The next 2 weeks I have 4 appointments for the new crib, Myresjökök, Engelska Tapetmagasinet and Rockstile and also the interior designer for Veidekke who will help me put all these stuff together. And then 6 other appointments. I'm kinda excited, all though it's a lot of things to do and at the same time I'm also selling my current apartment...So happy when all this will be over cause I'm so beat right now.
Like the drawing of my new place?