Jay-Z and Stockholm
I decided to go to Stockholm for the midsummer weekend, so I took 2 days vacation from work in Rotterdam and flew to Gothenburg. There I picked up 3 of my hopa friends, Yannick AKA Yanne, Behrang AKA Berra and Kevin. The car trip for 5 hours was very event full. I think that these 3 cna make anyone laugh...HARD! OMG, I don't think I've been laughin so much since...yeah. The whole weekend was filled with crazyness, but the best of all was JAY-Z!!!! His concert was tha bomb! Shit I almost forgot how good he is.

Who gets on the last sub at 0300 am in the morning, in the wrong direction, and the next sub is 3 hours later???

I also had time to see my bestes girl. Like, she's my home girl and partner in crime...lol. She's the best and I miss her. I hope that we will live in the same city soon, cause it's no fun when she's not around.

On the way home, the 5 hours in the car...the boys slept like 90% of the time...at least Berra...hahhaah. Mr Casanova. Oh I almost forgot Jag har Hops! Yannick told me and Kev he got hops (about 500am.) and tried jumpin' over a bush...Let's say it like this, he ain't no high jumper...and the I got Hops...hahahhahahha. (I got it all on tape if you wanna see)
♥ M

Who gets on the last sub at 0300 am in the morning, in the wrong direction, and the next sub is 3 hours later???

I also had time to see my bestes girl. Like, she's my home girl and partner in crime...lol. She's the best and I miss her. I hope that we will live in the same city soon, cause it's no fun when she's not around.

On the way home, the 5 hours in the car...the boys slept like 90% of the time...at least Berra...hahhaah. Mr Casanova. Oh I almost forgot Jag har Hops! Yannick told me and Kev he got hops (about 500am.) and tried jumpin' over a bush...Let's say it like this, he ain't no high jumper...and the I got Hops...hahahhahahha. (I got it all on tape if you wanna see)
♥ M

Finally we got some nice weather today. I spend 6 hours on the balcony and the first 2 hours watching a movie on my computer, waering a sport bra and bball shorts. So now I really have nice sun marks on my back...ahhahaha.

How stupid can I be.? I should have known better...you know I am miss I-LOVE-THE-SUN :) So I better get some sun next weekend so I can get these ugly ass marks off my back...haha.
Ok, so this was not the only stupid thing I did this weekend. Well, not sure what I was thinking or that I even should mention it. I was not thinking and this brilliant idea of mine just poped up in my head and within 10 seconds I did it...I put some normal dish washing soap in the dish washer (we ran out of the small tabs u normally put there) and pressed START. Guess what happened? Foam, foam and more foam leaking out from the dish washer. @#$^%$#%@ I said a lot of bad words, and was wondering what I was thinking. GREAT saturday evening. Took me about 1 hour to clean that mess.
I hope I will find my brain at work tomorrow morning!

How stupid can I be.? I should have known better...you know I am miss I-LOVE-THE-SUN :) So I better get some sun next weekend so I can get these ugly ass marks off my back...haha.
Ok, so this was not the only stupid thing I did this weekend. Well, not sure what I was thinking or that I even should mention it. I was not thinking and this brilliant idea of mine just poped up in my head and within 10 seconds I did it...I put some normal dish washing soap in the dish washer (we ran out of the small tabs u normally put there) and pressed START. Guess what happened? Foam, foam and more foam leaking out from the dish washer. @#$^%$#%@ I said a lot of bad words, and was wondering what I was thinking. GREAT saturday evening. Took me about 1 hour to clean that mess.
I hope I will find my brain at work tomorrow morning!
♥ M

Europe Summer 09?
Who wants to go on a major road trip through whole Europe next summer (summer 09)? Let's say we leave in the beginning of June and come back to Sweden in beginning of July...or even later...

So, anyone?
♥ M

Letter of Clearance
First page, damn that's me...
But since it's all in Dutch I didn't bother to enlarge the picture. I just wanted to show you that I'm back on court. The contract will be signed in a couple of weeks, yesterday I just signed the Letter of Clearance that will get me transfered from the Swedish basketball federation to the Dutch basketball federation. I hope they all approve it! Don't you love the picture that they took in the meeting room...a real close up...Thank you for that one! Great!

Well folks, this is all for me today. I better get some sleep cause the PT is killing me and bball practice tomorrow again. My body is already tired...and it's just started...dang.
♥ M
But since it's all in Dutch I didn't bother to enlarge the picture. I just wanted to show you that I'm back on court. The contract will be signed in a couple of weeks, yesterday I just signed the Letter of Clearance that will get me transfered from the Swedish basketball federation to the Dutch basketball federation. I hope they all approve it! Don't you love the picture that they took in the meeting room...a real close up...Thank you for that one! Great!

Well folks, this is all for me today. I better get some sleep cause the PT is killing me and bball practice tomorrow again. My body is already tired...and it's just started...dang.
♥ M