Finally we got some nice weather today. I spend 6 hours on the balcony and the first 2 hours watching a movie on my computer, waering a sport bra and bball shorts. So now I really have nice sun marks on my back...ahhahaha.

How stupid can I be.? I should have known better...you know I am miss I-LOVE-THE-SUN :) So I better get some sun next weekend so I can get these ugly ass marks off my back...haha.
Ok, so this was not the only stupid thing I did this weekend. Well, not sure what I was thinking or that I even should mention it. I was not thinking and this brilliant idea of mine just poped up in my head and within 10 seconds I did it...I put some normal dish washing soap in the dish washer (we ran out of the small tabs u normally put there) and pressed START. Guess what happened? Foam, foam and more foam leaking out from the dish washer. @#$^%$#%@ I said a lot of bad words, and was wondering what I was thinking. GREAT saturday evening. Took me about 1 hour to clean that mess.
I hope I will find my brain at work tomorrow morning!

How stupid can I be.? I should have known better...you know I am miss I-LOVE-THE-SUN :) So I better get some sun next weekend so I can get these ugly ass marks off my back...haha.
Ok, so this was not the only stupid thing I did this weekend. Well, not sure what I was thinking or that I even should mention it. I was not thinking and this brilliant idea of mine just poped up in my head and within 10 seconds I did it...I put some normal dish washing soap in the dish washer (we ran out of the small tabs u normally put there) and pressed START. Guess what happened? Foam, foam and more foam leaking out from the dish washer. @#$^%$#%@ I said a lot of bad words, and was wondering what I was thinking. GREAT saturday evening. Took me about 1 hour to clean that mess.
I hope I will find my brain at work tomorrow morning!
♥ M
