Boot camp

I'm in the States now if ya'll didn't know. Erie, Pennsylvania to be exact. Yesterday I joined Jenn to Scoots "boot camp", not a real boot camp but it's like on. I haven't been working out in a month and imagine a cardio weight lifting and my heart beat must have been like 900 or something. I thought I was gonna die. But I did it...I did it all! Today I'm so sore that I can hardly walk in stairs, my neck, arms, chest, abs, legs, ass, calves...ya, everythign on my body is aching. And today we did some cardio, 40min on a x-trainer. And tomorrow time for "boot camp" again. I will probably won't be able to walk normally until i leave the States in 2 weeks, lol. Dang, I need some massage!


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