Mango Ice

Time to write about today's food, lol. Well, first of all, waking up this mornign, thinking that I over slept, cause the alarm clock was 09.02...and I was like SHIT. The Service Manager was supposed to pick me up at 8.45, so I jumped up the bed and got ready in 10min, just in case he was downstair waiting. Then I had to double check the time on my laptop since my cell phone is flippin' out every now and then, so I don't trust that the time is correct. And glad was was only 8.10am...puh, that mean that I did have time to have breakfast, not e long one...more like running through the cafeteria to grab something to eat and then run down to the reception. Man, I made it, puh!

For lunch, I went with Celest, Yvonne and Yoanna to the food court which I love. And they choosed something new for me, which by the way was really tasty too. As you can see from this pic, there are so many different stops were you can get ur lunch. What you see here x 2...and it's only 3-4 Sing Dollar for a lunch (which is 15-20 SEK). What else can I say than I love it!


And for dessert, I got a Mango Ice...F'n Delicious!

Love being on this side of the world!


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