IT Fair

Today I was at the biggest and craziest fair I even been to. The IT fair...OMG I never seen so many ppl at the same place, so many and so short. I was at least 2 heads taller than all these people, but I didn't mind. At least I could see where I was and see all the signs. If you are claustrofibic, no way in hell you would have stepped into this buildning. They even had security guars letting people on the escalators and people were waiting in line everywhere, it as bananaz! Imagine how hard the AC is working to cool down thousands of people on 6 floors, in 30C degrees heat outside...

This is just the entrance when It's not so crowded.


This is the Fair, looked like this straight ahead, behind you, to your right and to you left. People everywere and they were buying stuff like crazy.

I actually got a camera, a Casio Exilim EX-S12 Silver + 8GB. 299 SDollar, which is about 1500 SEK. I really needed a new digital camera, and since my last digital camera was bought here in Singapore in 2005, I might as well stay on the same track and get one now from Singapore again, lol.


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