What a day

Went up at 5.45 am, hit the gym...worked out and then the car didn't start, AGAIN...so I was late for my meeting, which started at 8 am. Then my cell phone freaked out and I couldn't make any out going calls, how great isn't that? Then one of my engineers with a Polish passfort was refused to board the plane to Canada in Frankfurt, Germany cause he didn't had the biometric passport, which allowes him to travel without a VISA; great...now what? Spent 3 hours trying to find someone else who could fly to St-John's in Canada and still haven't found anyone...!!! Then we went to the Body Attack class and now my legs are sore and my chest is aching...good thing I did chest this morning and we "only" did like 100 push ups tonight...my arms are shaking and my achilles tendons feel like they are gonna snap. Oh and guess what, after 13 hours in -10C degrees, the car decided to start ...just like that. Damn, I'm hatin' on my car one second and the next, I love it...Now I'll eat a mango and drink some apple juice before I hit the shower. A looooot of complaints from my side today, lol ♥


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