Sherlock Holmes
Went to the movies today with my girl Hanna, her baby Lou had to stay home with daddy, so us girls could have a well earned glass of wine before Sherlock Holmes started. It was really nice seeing her, it's been a while and we decided that we need to do stuff a bit more often than every 3rd month or so. It's a done deal!
Jude Law, how hot isn't he? Normally I'm not very find of Brittish accent, but in this movie it was just enough and rather charming. And I love movies like this when they "tell the truth" in the end, so you get the whole picture how everything was connected and not connected. Well, I'm not saying that a voice should explain the whole movie afterwards, it's just the way they end the like!
Now Imma sort my laundy, since genious me have a laundry time at 7am tomorrow morning, yaaaay, great idea on a free Saturday. But I gotta do it! And then at 12 we're leaving for Norrkoping. Passing by Jonkoping, my old town...3 years in high school in Huskvarna, that's memories from Jonkoping and Huskvarna folks! ♥
Now Imma sort my laundy, since genious me have a laundry time at 7am tomorrow morning, yaaaay, great idea on a free Saturday. But I gotta do it! And then at 12 we're leaving for Norrkoping. Passing by Jonkoping, my old town...3 years in high school in Huskvarna, that's memories from Jonkoping and Huskvarna folks! ♥
