Shanghai Shi Liu Pu Cloth Market

Woke up at 9 am and had a panncake for breakfast, Lan had been out this morning and got 3 panncakes. Yummie! Then we read on to see what we could do today and we decided to go to the tailor, Shanghai Shi Liu Pu Cloth Market. It was 4 floors of fabrics, tailors and cloths. You could find any fabrics you wanted here, they will make anything for you...a paradise basically.

The only thing I planned to make was a blue cope of my Ralph Lauren short sleeved shirt...but you know me, couldn't just have 1 shirt. So I ordered, 2 silk dresses (1 olive green, 1 pink), 4 shirts (1 blue, 1 pink, 1 black, 1 white) and 4 shirt/dresses (1 white with flowers, 1 blue, 1 olive green, 1 plain white) All this for 1250 CNY. Which is about 1400 about a good deal, all tailor made cloths to fit me =)

     Address:      Shanghai Shi Liu Pu Cloth Market
                         No.168 Dong Men Road

Me and Lan found this food market if you can call it that...a lot of small places outside where you can get all types of food. Noodles, bread, dumplings, bbq, drinks, tee...anything that you can cook on 2 wheels or under a sun umbrella, lol. The best was definitley the lamb sticks, for only 2 CNY a piece, which is 2,3 SEK...hells yeah I could eat it all day, every day! Healthy cheap food, me like!

We planned on going to play some hoops today, but it started to rain. So we went home had some tee and then took a nap...woke up hungry and then Me, Lan and Shamash went to this super good restaurant where the chef cooked the food for us on the big cooking bench in front of us, Teppanyaki.

 That food was was the tasties that I have tasted so far. Ok I say that to everything but you know, new food everyday and always find something that beats the other...hehe.

It's been a pretty good day!
♥ M


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