Shanghai Ya Tai Xin Yang Market

Lan and Shamash went up early to go for an intervju today, while I was sleepin long that they woke me up at 11.30 when they got back to the apartment. Oh I love having vacation. We decided to go to the gym and lift some weights so across the street, on th e5th floor their gym was located. Kinda dark, no air condition even though it was 25C outside, the sun was burning...but we got a good work out and was sweating a lot. After working out we went home and cooked the yesterdays left overs, just had to make some noodles for that and we had a whole meal for all 3 of us.

After lunch we decided to go to the market Micke P told me to go to. And OMG they had everything. i wanna go there again that I say. We took a taxi there, to Pudong, about 15 min from the apartment, the taxi ride was 40 CNY...wish it could be this cheap at home. Then I wouldn't have a car, but a personal taxi driver...hahaha. OK, so finally I have some pictures to post. Lan's and Shamash's cameras. Yay. This is how our day looked between 3pm-8pm:

I bought so much stuff that I have to send it home my post, a big box with the post cause all of this won't fit in my bag. What I'm happiest about is my 2 pair of glasses. They are kinda similar to eachother but 1 par is more classy I think...what do you think? Can you see any diifference @ all?

I still want to shop more, I wanna go back to that market more more and more...I'm never getting sick of it and also getting better at bargin. Even though that lan has to drag me out of the store until they come runnig after you and you will get it to the price you first gave them. Tirering but oh so fun.

After the market we where tired and hungry and broke so we didn't want to eat something expensive but kinda close to the we went to McDonalds =) A really gourmet dinner with grilled chicken and a banana pie as desert, lol.

Just finishing my Chinees tee, then it's Good Night from Shanghai!
♥ M


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