Another weekend

Good thing there are good friends...

Friday, dinner with J and M, then thought of going to Oslo on Saturday, but the busses didn't fit my schedule, I got mad and it was a too long trip for just 1 day. So Saturday evening I invited some friends over, we had some drinks but just stayed in and had a really good time at the house. So glad we didn't go out...cause it's always the same story out...BORING! We also tried putting the legs to my new bed, but we missed a wrench...J, good try with the wine opener,,,haha! But no sucess so I had to wait until today when the folks came to visit and help me with some stuff in the apartment. Me and mom when shopping and I spent money I shouldn't usually. Gosh, now January is even worse than last week...gaaaaaah!

 I had to buy a lot of pink mentos =) Me like!

♥ M


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