Back @ work
So, first week has pasted and I'm totally beat. I worked like 15 over time hours, went up at 6am every morning to the gym and lift weight severy morning, then to work at 8 until late. Came home, sat in front of the TV and internet and couldn't sleep until, probably around 1am...yeah, you can see the pattern repeats. LOL. Thursday I saw Gothia win over Sodertalje, and Gothia winning is not very common, so it was great to see. Then I hung out with R, haven't seen him in years. It was so fun talking old O-bo memories and what not. So yesterday I decided to go home to the folks this weekend, to get some sleep and rest. And my sweet mom offered to help me with my laundy, and I couldn't resist that offer. lol. We went to this outlet shop today and I bought a lot of stuff. whichI really shouldn't but I just had to..weird huh, that I need to buy stuff.
Happy Valentine's day! (49 min too late)
♥ M
♥ M
