Today I had a day off from work, I have worked in average 10,5 hours per day since I got back from my vacation in the middle of June so I really needed this day. My sis J and her husband P was here, so I spent the whole day shopping with them. breakfast at Le Pain Francais, a coffe at Haga, then dinner at Bee Kök & Bar. Of course Jules was here too and after they left fo Vburg me and J took a ride down the old memory lane to Högsbohöjd, Preem and Gothia Memories, memories and memories. I miss her and the thought of moving to Stockholm is still buried down inside my mind, I haven't taken that away from my list so you never know. lol. This was the best Monday I had in a loooooooong time and I wishe more of the days looked like this!

♥ M


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