Qipu Lu Market

Or what the name was...this is where we spent 6 hours today, shopping and arguing about prices...lol. I have to say that I'm very surprised how the Chinees people must always be the first in line...or, to be correct no line at all, just puch until your first. Like on the bus, I saw 15 people trying to get on the bus at the same time, ushing eachother...It was not even half full the bus, so I'm not sure what the deal was. And geez, I don't think I ever seen so much people at one place...they are everywere! And some people don't seem to understand we don't want a personal shopper...haha. Following us, waiting outside a shop until we're finished, keep walking and talking to us. We ignore them, they still walk in front of us talking...in Chinees.

I found a KFC for lunch and guess if I was happy...I love fried chicken (btw, I had fried chicken every day when I was in Seattle in January). After lunch we went back for more shopping. I would take some pics and post here, but someone forgot the cord in Sweden, so transferring the pics from the cam to the computer is impossible right now. Clever me, yeah I know.

Just emailed KLM about my lost Ipod too, I don't think they will find it...who would hand in a found ipod? Maybe if one of the staff finds it, but naw, i don't have any bigger hopes about it. But still, I don't want to spend money on e new ipod when I had a good, fully functional, working ipod. Or to be more exact, I don't have any money to buy a new one, I think that has to wait until after the summer. Geez, I can't manage that long...Goint to the Mac store where I can find the real deal!

Oh my phone broke down today...I thought. I think it was cause I put in a Chinees SIM card and the phone refuses to be charged..it just wouldn't work. So I changed back to my Swedish SIM to charge the phone and it's working. I gotta take a look at that tomorrow. Me and electronics...great combo...not!

Just my luck!
♥ M


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