Only Monday

This week is a little bit quiter than the last ones...

        MONDAY >> Skin Treatment, Basketball
        TUESDAY >> Physio and Cardio
        WEDNESDAY >> Basketball
        THURSDAY >> Cardio, Dinner with the board of directors
        FRIDAY >> Opening party at my office, Thalia Lounge with the girls
        SATURDAY >> Skin Treatment, Cardio and Strenght
        SUNDAY >> Basketball Game (Away)

It's only Monday and I'm already tired. My legs are so tired after todays practice, I ran my ass off so I guess tomorrow my legs will feel like 2 concrete pieces. But I can't let anyone beat me when we're running at practice, I need to be the best and now I can feel a slight taste of blood in my throat. Is that a good or bad thing? Feeling like this makes me just wanna work even harder, go out and run until I don't get the taste. I wanna be so tired that my legs won't carry me. But after that I would need a massage. Anyone? Well, at least I know I'm a "train-a-holic" LOL

If it wasn't for the basketball I would go with my friends and do the "Classic". Vasaloppet is the 21st of February, but I have a game then and can't go to Sweden for that. Too bad though case there is like 10 ladies who are going up north to a cabbin, do the race and then maybe have some celebration party :) But, i will cheer for them, here from Holland...after we win our game of course.

Peace my dear friends!
♥ M


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