6 months

i was gonna go for a run today but my achilles is kinda killing me. Kinda aching all the time. But I will not let that stop me from playing, I will just rest when we don't have any bball practice and don't walk in high heels...damn, two things that I love. Get sweaty and wear my high heels to work and the club. None of that...unless I have to LOL

Trying to eat healthy, no pizza, no burgers, no kebab, no candy, no alcohol...Man, this sounds like I'm so boring. Can't eat the good stuff and can't work out as much as I want or wear high heels. Dang, I am boring! Well, friday I think me and my new friend Caroline will go for some shopping and food at La Place, or a movie like Mamma Mia. If we're not gonna hang out friday, I think it's IKEA on saturday. I need some stuff for the apartment. I only lived here for 6 months now and it's not until now I realised that I need some stuff. Oh shit, tomorrow it's exactly 6 months since I moved here. 17th of March I moved out here!!! Only 6 more months to go =)

This is how my apartment on Linnegatan in Gothenburg looked about 6 months ago...in the process of packing.


Linnegatan, basta stallet ever!
♥ M


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