What a day
I put the alarm on 6.00am. I was going to Amsterdam to meet Rickard from work. He was on his way to Mexico and had a 5 hour waiting in Amsterdam, so I went in to Amsterdam to have breakfast with him. This was the first time I was actually in Amsterdam and not just pasing through or at the airport. And what everyone says about Amsterdam it's kinda true. Porn clubs and coffe shops. You can smell the weed everywere. Strange.
Then I was taking the train back to Rotterdam...at least I thought so. In Den Haag the train stopped, the people got off...and when I looked around EVERYBODY left the train. PANIC!!!! I ran to the front of the train, no one there, all doors locked...then the train start going backwards...CRAP!!!! I start running the other way and there in the front there was this man driving the train to the "spare tracks", he started to talk to me in Dutch...I didn't get any of it, so after I asked English please, he said: Oh, you don;t speak Dutch, I called out in the speakers that everyone had to get off. IN DUTCH!!! ~!@#@!#@!#@!#@! I was not happy at all, almost panicing and this stupid fucking country where they say most people speak English. How can they not say a message like that on the speakers in English? Well, when I think of this now, I cannot do anything else than smile. This only happens to me...Alone...stuck in a locked a train going to the extra tracks for maintenance :)
Then I was taking the train back to Rotterdam...at least I thought so. In Den Haag the train stopped, the people got off...and when I looked around EVERYBODY left the train. PANIC!!!! I ran to the front of the train, no one there, all doors locked...then the train start going backwards...CRAP!!!! I start running the other way and there in the front there was this man driving the train to the "spare tracks", he started to talk to me in Dutch...I didn't get any of it, so after I asked English please, he said: Oh, you don;t speak Dutch, I called out in the speakers that everyone had to get off. IN DUTCH!!! ~!@#@!#@!#@!#@! I was not happy at all, almost panicing and this stupid fucking country where they say most people speak English. How can they not say a message like that on the speakers in English? Well, when I think of this now, I cannot do anything else than smile. This only happens to me...Alone...stuck in a locked a train going to the extra tracks for maintenance :)
After I got back to Rotterdam I went to this WE store and bought a shirt for mom and one for me. Tired and kinda angry after the train incident, I took the metro 2 stops to get home. Lazy, yeah I know. But the more active at home, I packed 8 boxes, the closets are empty, and all other things are being packed. I'm an expert in packing. Moving now will be my 17th, yes you got it correct SEVENTEEN, time in 11 years :)
Now, I'm gonna watch a movie...lata!
♥ M
♥ M
