The lost exhaust system

The crazyness of me continues...
Friday I was gonna take th train to the folks house and get my car. At the train station I paid my ticket, with only 3 minutes left before the train departured...and a big red OUT OF ORDER msg appeared on the ticket machine. Great, I paid it but didn't get a ticket. I just had to run to the train and hope that the conductor would let me go on the train without a ticket. And he did, he was nice and I was lucky :)

Then Saturday I planned to go back to Gothenburg with my car, but it gave a noice and I assumed it was something with the exhaust pipe and bam, sudden the whole exhaust system fell off. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Shit, me and my sister was downtown Varberg when it happened. I thought Jeanette was gonna die out of laughing...haha...OMG, I don't think I've been laughing this hard since...yeah, can't even remember. Hahahahah!

Today I've been looking at this new apartment that I want to buy. Even more downtown that the one I have now...I like the one I have now, but it's too small. I need something bigger, I need a 2 room studio is too small. And I need something new. You know me...always looking for something better! :D

♥ M


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