32 minutes
This is how long I was running today. Second time out running after the sprained ankle accident and do you know what the hard part is? Don't look tired, run fast as hell and quite and don't breath like a hyper astmatic person. At least when you're running in a city where there is people everywhere. Today about 30 C degrees, I came running trying my best to not to do the above mentioned things, and I think everybody was out sitting out eating and drinking today...but me. The people looked kinda weird at me, but what did I care. I was too focused on what not to do and what to do...like not sprain the ankle again.
I've had like 2 really hard weeks at work but today at 4.30pm something lit up my day. In a parcel with some SW CD's that came from sweden...there was a gift for me...from the 3 sweetest girls in the office in Sweden. Some Swedish Candy! Guess if i was happy. That really made my day. Thanks Sonja, Sofia and Elisabeth! Puss!
I'm also trying to find an appropriate dress for the wedding in August. I think I need something colorful, like pink or turquoise. I hope that I will find the dress in the States. Oh and shoes, I really whant high heels, like HIGH heels, but then I'll be even taller, taller than probaly most people in that wedding. hmmm, lots to think about :)
I've had like 2 really hard weeks at work but today at 4.30pm something lit up my day. In a parcel with some SW CD's that came from sweden...there was a gift for me...from the 3 sweetest girls in the office in Sweden. Some Swedish Candy! Guess if i was happy. That really made my day. Thanks Sonja, Sofia and Elisabeth! Puss!
I'm also trying to find an appropriate dress for the wedding in August. I think I need something colorful, like pink or turquoise. I hope that I will find the dress in the States. Oh and shoes, I really whant high heels, like HIGH heels, but then I'll be even taller, taller than probaly most people in that wedding. hmmm, lots to think about :)
Sleeting time for me now...
♥ M
♥ M
