17 days

This weekend I was in my hometown and picked up my beloved car. Friday after work I took the train and then to P&J's house and ate some thia food and then went to bed at 11pm...so nice friday evening. Then Saturday morning, spent some time with mom and dad, had a lunch end drove back to Gothenburg in the black pearl. Best thing now is that I have a garage and I love having my car in the garage...hehe. Then some wine and candy and games before heading out to Push. Push is THE place in Gothenburg they say, but MAN I did not feel with that place. Tooooo over rated! I thing we just stayed for like 1  or 2 hours, then I went home.

Went up at 2 to go see Anton, Mike and Per play ball. And of couse my guys won! They are the best and should definitley play div 1 if they weren't so lazy...LOL. Sorry guys but you're too good for playing in div 2...and in the gym I realized it's the 7th today, and in exact 17 days...I'm on the way to Thailand. Damn, it's going to be so nice laying on the beach getting tanned, eating and drinking good, spening time with the whole fam and of course some shopping  :)

But before that I will go to Sälen on Thursday. Me, Carro, Axel and Maja are going to Högfjället and staying in a cabbin there for 3 whole days. Chech the web page: http://www.salen.se/HoGFJaLLET.asp I haven't been on a pair of skis in 11 years...wow I sound old, but it's true, I was 16 years old the last time I was up north on a pair of skis. So now it's about time I get up there again...lol We will take a lot of pictures, don't worry!

Now I gotta eat some gingerbread cookies and have some apple juice!
♥ M


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