
Tuesday, me and my girl Lan got this idea that we would go somewhere for the weekend. She's in France studying French and I'm in Paris was one of the suggestion...and then we got this bright idea...BARCELONA!
So I got up at 4.00am saturday morning and got a ride with my nice roomate who drove me. Arrived in Barcelona at 09.00am and realised that I have forgotten all information about the hotel, what train and metro to I called my friend Alfonso, and he promissed that we woudl go for a breakfast and he could tell me what to do in i called him, hoping that he would tell me where to go...ring ring answer....Shit, what was I supposed to do??? So I started to remember something called CLOT and that the hotel was just accross the street from CLOT. Finally I ended up at CLOT (metro station) and no later tha 2,5 hours after I arrived at the airport. Man I must be the quickest confused person ever...LOL. Checked in, got up on the roof terrass and laid by the pool. Me like. Lan arrived at 1.00pm so after that we started to walk....Sagrada Familia was our first stop...then we saw everything...everything but Camp Nou :(

Lanie and moi


Saying bye to Columbus...the dude high up in the sky pointing at America...we left Barcelona with a smile. I really liked that place...I'm coming back...but next trip is France, Paris.
...That's fo sho'

♥ M


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