Gothenburg and Mahmutlar

Well, soon I'll be in my sweet city Gothenburg. On Friday I'll fly back to G-burg, as some friends of mine call it. I will go visit the folks this weekend, since they're leaving for Turkey next week, and this is the only opportunity I have to see them, during the 3 weeks that I'll be in Sweden. Mom and pops are going to our apartment in Alanya...and for all of you who haven't seen pictures of it...let me introduce you to...

Mahmutlar ''Mammas gata''

Our Apartment

           500 mts to the BEACH - 500 mts to the MOUNTAINS

Just livin' the life
   This is how the BERGMAN's roll

If I could choose between Gothenburg, Alanya och wouldn't be Gothenburg and it wouldn't be Rotterdam...Most of all I'd love to be there right now. 
I wonder when I can go there next time???

♥ M


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